Booking Condition

  1. Reservation Confirmation:

    • All bookings are considered confirmed only upon receipt of full payment.

  1. Payment Policies:

    • Full payment or payment plan options are available , 20% of total of payment is required at the time of booking to secure your reservation.

  1. Cancellation and Refund:

    • Cancellations or no show is non- refundable.

  2. Changes and Amendments:

    • Changes to the reservation can be made up to 30 days before the departure date, subject to availability.

    • Changes made within 21 days of departure may be subject to additional fees.

  1. Travel Insurance:

    • We highly recommend that all travellers obtain comprehensive travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances.

  2. Itinerary Alterations:

    • HAMIDI TMC reserves the right to alter itineraries, accommodations, or transportation due to unforeseen circumstances or events beyond our control.

  3. Force Majeure:

    • HAMIDI TMC is not liable for any loss, delay, injury, or damage resulting from events beyond our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, civil unrest, or government actions.

  4. Health and Safety:

    • Travelers are responsible for ensuring they meet all health requirements for the destinations they visit. [Your Company Name] is not liable for any health-related issues.

  5. Age and Responsibility:

    • Travelers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

By making a reservation with [Your Company Name], you acknowledge and agree to abide by these booking conditions.

HAMIDI TMC reserves the right to update these conditions as needed. Please check our website for the most current version.

Thank you for choosing HAMIDI Travel Management. We look forward to providing you with an exceptional travel experience.